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For Authors

“Theoretical Practice” is an open-access journal with unlimited access to all its content all over the Internet.

“Theoretical Practice” publishes theoretical, empirical, and methodological articles in humanities and social sciences, above all applicable to the fields of critical theory, political and social philosophy, cultural studies as well as sociology and social history. Contributions from Eastern Europe, utilising an epistemological gain of peripherical perspective to scrutinise and revise various theories, or to offer a critical empirical research are especially welcome.

“Theoretical Practice” is a bi-lingual journal. We publish original articles and reviews in Polish and English, as well as Polish translations of important texts from related fields. Therefore we warmly encourage international scholars to contribute. Joining our theoretical practice could be also an opportunity to participate in a the collective process of knowledge production be sending drafts, proposals or any materials which could constitute a base for further collaboration.

Each original article published in the journal undergoes a peer review process. Submitted paper are initially discussed by editorial board and, if accepted, after potential amendments introduced in collaboration with the author, blind peer-reviewed by two independent and anonymous reviewers. Reviewers are chosen separately for every article concerning their field of study and academic merit. Usually they are of equal or higher academic degree than the author. Reviewers are asked to complete the form and assess if the article fits the publishing criteria. After the review procedure the author receives a review report stating the decision (declined/accepted/conditionally accepted) and indicating requested amendments and supplements. Authors are requested to strictly follow the enclosed instructions. All submitted articles undergo the same procedure.

Each issue of the journal is dedicated to a specific topic. Therefore the board publishes an open calls for papers on the regular basis to encourage authors from the field to cover certain specific issues. However, we also appreciate articles on topics not related directly with the leading themes indicated in the calls, if they fit into the overall thematic policy of the journal. In this case contributions can be submitted without any restrictions, although average publishing time may vary, according to a current capacity of forthcoming issues. Moreover, we strongly encourage reviewing contributors to cover books from the field (see details below).

Contributors are encouraged to submit manuscript not exceeding 6000 words including notes and references as well as abstract of up to 150 words and five key words. Authors are expected to provide the file with the article without any data indicating the authorship for the blind peer-review purposes. Name, academic affiliation and address data (mail and email) should be included in separate file with a title page. Authors should supply an academic biography of 50-100 words.

Authors are strongly encouraged to follow Chicago Manual Of Style, author-date system. Thus, all references in submitted papers should be put in brackets, and a separate reference list has to be included. In case of doubt, refer here. Preliminary acceptance of the article is conditionally possible with references prepared in another coherent manner. However, later re-editing by the author is a necessary condition before publishing.  Quotations (exceeding 3 lines) should be displayed, indented, in the text. UK or US spellings should be used coherently. Notes at the bottom of each page and numbering is preferred.

Articles should be send by e-mail: praktyka.teoretyczna@gmail.com in rtf, odt, odf or doc and pdf file format. Authors will be informed about measures taken according to working capacities of the editorial board. Usually we reply fast, but further proceedings may take some time. Usually authors receive initial confirmation about commencement of the external review procedure in one month and reviewed article in another 2 to 3 months.